Distant school Cosmic Meteo Tectonics

Google maps with earthquakes magnitude: 6-11

From 2024-04-22 to 2024-04-22 18:32:48 UTC

Hours 00..01 01..02 02..03 03..04 04..05 05..06 06..07 07..08 08..09 09..10 10..11 11..12 12..13 13..14 14..15 15..16 16..17 17..18 18..19 19..20 20..21 21..22 22..23 23..23.59

Hours 00..01 01..02 02..03 03..04 04..05 05..06 06..07 07..08 08..09 09..10 10..11 11..12 12..13 13..14 14..15 15..16 16..17 17..18 18..19 19..20 20..21 21..22 22..23 23..23.59
Count 2

Hours 00..01 01..02 02..03 03..04 04..05 05..06 06..07 07..08 08..09 09..10 10..11 11..12 12..13 13..14 14..15 15..16 16..17 17..18 18..19 19..20 20..21 21..22 22..23 23..23.59

Date Solar time Magnitude Latitude Longitude Depth Place Δt (hours) Δφ latitude Δλ longitude
2024-04-22 18:26:53 UTC 2024-04-23 02:33:26 ASLT 6.1 23.7241 121.6406 10.727 28 km S of Hualien City, Taiwan
2024-04-22 18:32:48 UTC 2024-04-23 02:38:57 ASLT 6.0 23.8672 121.5385 10.0 13 km SSW of Hualien City, Taiwan 0.10 0.14 0.10